NAISS User Forum 2024

When: 1-2 October, lunch to lunch
Where: Clarion Hotel Gillet, Uppsala
How: Hybrid

This is the main page for the event. We will be adding more information here as we are approaching October.


Registration is now open! Sign up here:

The registration fee is SEK 150. We will bill your home university/employer after the conference with the grand total for you and any colleagues who are attending.

The deadline to register is 15 August. You need to register even if you plan to attend virtually.

Preliminary programme

Tuesday 1 October
12:00-13:00Welcome lunch
13:00-13:30Introduction and presentation of NAISS staff
13:30-14:00Keynote speech on AI
14:00-15:00AI session and presentation of NAISS users’ projects
15:00-15:30Coffee and mingle with NAISS staff
15:30-16:30Panel discussion: Future and trends in scientific HPC
16:30-17:00Information about NAISS user support
17:00-19:00Joint evening activity in Uppsala
Wednesday 2 October
08:30-10:00Sensitive Data session
10:00-10:30Coffee and mingle with NAISS staff
10:30-11:10Storage session
11:10-11:50USAC session
11:50-12:00Summary and conclusion
12:00-13:00Closing lunch


You are free to arrange your own accommodation. If you book a room at Hotel Gillet (subject to availability), you are entitled to a five-percent discount on the dynamic price when using the code BK-00324. This requires you to book with the hotel directly, or via if you are a Strawberry member.


Parking is available in a garage underneath Hotel Gillet. The cost is around SEK 300 per 24 hours.


If you have any questions related to this event, please contact us at