About us

(För information om NAISS på svenska se denna sida.)

The National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS) is an infrastructure organisation for high-performance computing, storage, and data services for academic users in Sweden. NAISS is hosted by Linköping University but acts independently with a national perspective and responsibility.

NAISS is funded mainly by the Swedish Research Council (VR), while the user support, organised in a decentralised branch structure, is built up in partnership with several Swedish universities.

NAISS has taken over the financing of the existing systems Dardel, Tetralith, Alvis, Bianca and Rackham, as well as storage systems and cloud services located at different sites across Sweden. Over time, NAISS will consolidate new hardware resources to a single national site. Staff and support functions will continue to be distributed across Sweden as NAISS is establishing local branches in collaboration with universities.

Acting Director
Björn Alling, Associate Professor, Linköping University

Steering Committee
NAISS is governed by its Steering Committee.

Links to previous NAISS newsletters